

LMD Plum-shaped Flexible Coupling

LMD Plum-shaped Flexible Coupling

LMD Plum-shaped Flexible Coupling is added with transition connection, which eliminates the need of axially moving the semi-coupling when replacing the elastomer.

LMD Plum-shaped Flexible Coupling
Model Old
Nominal Torque
Shaft Hole Diameter L Lo D Dl Elastic
Weight Rotational
Hardness of
Elastic Parts
a/Ha b/Hb
80+5 60+5 [n]r/min d1、d2、dz Model kg kg.m2
LMD1 MLZ1 25 45 8500 12,14,16,18,19,20,22,24 25 35 92 50 90 MT1 1.206 0.00082
LMD2 50 100 7600 16,18,19,20,22,24,25,28,30 38 101.5 60 100 MT2 1.648 0.0014
LMD3 MLZ2 100 200 6900 20,22,24,25,28,30,32 40 110 70 110 MT3 2.357 0.0024
LMD4 MLZ3 140 280 6200 22,24,25,28,30,32,35,38,40 45 122 85 125 MT4 3.556 0.005
LMD5 MLZ4 350 400 5000 25,28,30,32,35,38,40,42,45 50 138.5 105 150 MT5 6.361 0.0135
LMD6 MLZ5 400 710 4100 30,32,35,38,40,42,45,48 55 155 125 185 MT6 10.768 0.0329
LMD7 MLZ6 630 1120 3700 35*,38*,40*,42*,45,48,50,55 60 172 145 205 MT7 15.302 0.0581
LMD8 MLZ7 1120 2240 3100 45*,48*,50,55,56,60,63,65 70 195 170 240 MT8 22.717 0.1175
LMD9 MLZ8 1800 3550 2800 50*,55*,56*,60,63,65,70,71,75,80 80 224 200 270 MT9 34.439 0.233
LMD10 MLZ9 2800 5600 2500 60*,63,65*,70,71,75,80,85,90,95,100 90 248 230 305 MT10 51.358 0.459
LMD11 MLZ10 4500 9000 2200 70*,71*,75,80*,85*,90,95,100,110,120 100 284 260 350 MT11 81.302 0.977
LMD12 MLZ11 6300 12500 1900 80*,85*,90*,95*,100,110,120,125,130 115 321 300 400 MT12 115.53 1.751
LMD13 MLZ12 11200 20000 1600 90*,95*,100*,110*,120*,125*,130,150,160 125 348 360 460 MT13 161.79 3.366
LMD14 MLZ13 12500 25000 1500 100*,110*,120*,125*,130*,140,150,160 135 358 400 500 MT14 196.3 4.867

« LMD Plum-shaped Flexible Coupling » Post Date: 2020/6/16

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