

RLQU Improved Flange Quick Installation Diaphragm Coupling

The improved RLQF has smaller additional bending moments and better performance. Suitable for drum pressure fans, turbine compressors, and other high speed applications.

RLQU Improved Flange Quick Installation Diaphragm Coupling
Model D DA D1/D2 D3 d1/d2max) d4 L1/L2 E
L Maximum Allowable Speed Nominal Torque Maximum Instantaneous Torque
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) n max(r/min) T(N.m) Tmax(N.m)
RLQU103-6 124 103 103 62 60 49 65 460/120 260 38000 980 2500
RLQU125-6 146 125 127 76 70 58 75 460/120 272 35000 1500 5300
RLQU145-6 168 145 150 80 85 75 90 460/120 290 30000 2000 6500
RLQU158-6 188 158 180 89 100 85 105 460/130 340 27500 3800 15000
RLQU175-6 210 175 200 100 120 99 125 460/160 400 24500 6500 25000
RLQU205-6 235 205 210 118 135 117 140 460/160 430 23500 9800 27500
RLQU235-6 270 235 232 139 155 140 165 460/190 525 21000 11000 43500
RLQU255-6 298 255 250 154 170 150 180 460/195 545 18500 14000 65000
RLQU280-6 320 280 277 169 185 167 195 460/200 590 16000 21500 85350
RLQU300-6 350 300 305 184 205 182 215 460/210 620 14850 26500 91500
RLQU330-6 382 330 336 208 225 200 235 460/250 710 13500 32000 128000
RLQU370-6 425 370 365 234 245 220 255 500/270 780 12500 45000 185000
RLQU400-6 455 402 405 242 270 232 290 500/305 885 11000 78500 282000
RLQU435-6 490 435 440 278 295 270 315 500/305 925 10000 100000 315000
RLQU485-6 545 485 490 305 325 300 345 550/330 1000 8500 150000 470000
RLQU540-6 600 540 532 352 355 344 375 550/330 1070 7350 200000 525000
Model d3 Mass Point
Angular Deviation Maximum axial deviation S Intermediate Mass
Intermediate moment of inertia Intermediate torsional stiffness Weight
Torsional Stiffness Rotational Inertia Tightening torque
(mm) (mm) (±△º) (Max±△mm) (mm) 10-3kg/mm Js10-6(Kg.m²/mm) Ct-106( (Kg) Ct-106(N.m/rad) Js10-6(Kg.m²/mm) F' (N.m)
52.41 0.35° 0.9 9 3.8 3 25 7.6 47 5 8
61.485 1 12 5.3 5.04 51.3 12.8 151 13 8
70.6 1 13 8.82 14 143 19.5 150 31 8
80.02 1.25 16 10 20 203 28 217 57 8
96.6 1.25 17 11.5 31 314 42.5 472 129 8
103.5 1.75 21 15 56 571 56.5 478 203 15
120.2 1.75 23 20 105 1066 89 894 483 15
132 1.8 25 23 146 1489 112.5 1502 671 45
142.7 1.8 31 30.1 232 2361 138 1517 115 45
149.1 2 33 33 301 3089 173.2 1562 160.6 45
164.3 2 35 44 490 4989 247 2622 258 45
185.5 2.25 35 57.5 771 7860 337 4242 466.7 45
207.2 3 37 75.5 1129 11509 405 9109 7329 45
212.5 3 37 80 1504 16140 515.5 15450 10010 45
245.2 3.25 40 105 2570 26183 690 20380 18490 100
262.4 4 40 133 4290 43682 903 23350 29500 100
Model D DA D1/D2 D3 d1/d2max) d4 L1/L2 E
L Maximum Allowable Speed Nominal Torque Maximum Instantaneous Torque
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) n max(r/min) T(N.m) Tmax(N.m)
RLQU158-8 188 158 147 94 100 82 105 460/130 340 12200 2000 6500
RLQU175-8 210 175 175 108 115 97 120 460/160 400 10000 3500 10500
RLQU205-8 235 207 197 135 130 123 135 460/250 520 9500 8000 19500
RLQU235-8 280 240 235 152 155 138 165 460/270 600 8000 16000 47800
RLQU255-8 300 258 260 164 175 149 185 460/305 675 7500 25000 63000
RLQU300-8 345 302 292 198 195 184 205 460/305 715 6500 31500 73700
RLQU345-8 402 346 344 234 230 217 240 500/250 730 5500 40000 123000
RLQU370-8 425 372 368 248 2445 228 255 500/270 780 5200 63000 165000
RLQU400-8 453 402 396 257 270 232 290 500/305 885 4750 80000 228000
RLQU435-8 490 435 435 293 290 270 310 500/305 925 4400 100000 254000
RLQU485-8 550 485 474 327 315 300 335 550/330 1000 3900 140000 400000
RLQU540-8 600 540 526 374 350 344 370 550/330 1070 3500 200000 448000
RLQU610-8 665 610 587 420 390 385 410 600/385 1205 3200 250000 669000
Model d3 Mass Point
Angular Deviation Maximum axial deviation S Intermediate Mass
Intermediate moment of inertia Intermediate torsional stiffness Weight
Torsional Stiffness Rotational Inertia Tightening torque
(mm) (mm) (±△º) (Max±△mm) (mm) 10-3kg/mm Js10-6(Kg.m²/mm) Ct-106( (Kg) Ct-106(N.m/rad) Js10-6(Kg.m²/mm) F' (N.m)
87.8 0.25° 0.6 17 12 20 203 29 351 110 8
94.5 0.9 17 13 31 314 42.5 620 220 10
103.8 1.1 21 19.1 80 811 58 904 438 12.5
121.5 1.1 23 25.1 132 1344 98 1785 865 28
133.4 1.4 25 29 178 1810 125.5 3069 950 31.5
151.5 1.7 31 33 301 3069 174 3909 1597 45
174.4 2 33 42.5 602 6133 275 5365 3484 63
187.4 2.1 35 59 833 8485 332 9043 4677 100
207.2 2.2 35 75.5 1129 11509 435.2 12300 13500 140
212.5 2.4 37 80 1504 16140 554 15450 18780 180
245.2 2.6 40 105 2570 26183 742 20380 30280 224
262.4 2.75 40 133 4290 43682 956 23350 47500 280
302.1 3.4 46 169 6870 70033 1325 37320 81300 400
Model D DA D1/D2 D3 d1/d2max) d4 L1/L2 E
L Maximum Allowable Speed Nominal Torque Maximum Instantaneous Torque
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) n max(r/min) T(N.m) Tmax(N.m)
RLQU205-10 235 207 190 135 130 119 135 460/250 520 18500 20000 54000
RLQU235-10 280 240 225 152 155 132 165 460/270 600 15500 35500 113500
RLQU255-10 300 258 255 164 175 140 185 460/305 675 14500 50000 145000
RLQU300-10 345 302 286 198 195 176 205 460/305 715 12500 63000 165000
RLQU345-10 402 346 345 234 230 217 240 500/250 730 11000 78500 245000
RLQU370-10 425 372 368 248 245 228 255 500/270 780 10000 124500 348500
RLQU400-10 453 402 400 257 270 232 290 500/305 885 9500 158500 518000
RLQU435-10 490 435 435 293 290 270 310 500/305 925 8700 178500 575000
RLQU485-10 550 485 480 327 315 300 335 550/330 1000 7500 245000 860000
RLQU540-10 600 540 530 374 350 344 370 550/330 1070 6850 358500 965000
RLQU610-10 665 610 590 410 390 386 410 600/385 1205 6000 555000 1450000
Model d3 Mass Point
Angular Deviation Maximum axial deviation S Intermediate Mass
Intermediate moment of inertia Intermediate torsional stiffness Weight
Torsional Stiffness Rotational Inertia Tightening torque
(mm) (mm) (±△º) (Max±△mm) (mm) 10-3kg/mm Js10-6(Kg.m²/mm) Ct-106( (Kg) Ct-106(N.m/rad) Js10-6(Kg.m²/mm) F' (N.m)
116.4 0.2° 0.8 21 25 100 811 58 1450 380 8
121.5 0.85 23 35 175 1344 95 2660 870 15
121.5 0.95 23 45 261 1344 128 3930 1440 15
133.4 1.15 26 48 445 1810 175.5 5405 2540 45
151.5 1.4 31 51 602 3069 278.5 7921 5990 45
174.4 1.5 33 59 833 6133 336 11450 8050 45
187.4 1.505 35 75 1077 8485 445 15540 12390 45
207.2 2 35 78.5 1510 11509 559 19950 18850 45
212.5 2.15 38 104.5 2570 16140 748.5 29385 30500 45
245.2 2.3 40 133 4285 26183 960 39425 47950 100
262.4 2.8 46 170 6672 43682 1328 59450 81560 100

« RLQU Improved Flange Quick Installation Diaphragm Coupling » Post Date: 2023/8/16

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